Sunday, May 15, 2011

Top 5 BidRivals Tips and Tricks

These BidRivals tips and tricks will greatly help you to win BidRivals auctions. In addition to these tips, you should also read the BidRivals strategies that I discuss in this blog. These strategies are very important to understand if you want to greatly increase your winning chances.

So here are the most important BidRivals tips and tricks that you will need to make profits and get huge discounts without getting into loss.

BidRivals Tips and Tricks - 1: Know the Penny Auction Model
This may look like a beginner tip but you cannot even imagine the horror of people who foolishly get into bidding without really realizing the penny auction model and how it works. Penny auctions are very different from ordinary auctions like eBay and it is very important to know the differences. Before you invest a single penny in BidRivals, it is very important that you note the following points:

  • The first main difference between penny auctions like BidRivals and auctions like eBay is that in BidRivals, bidding is not free. This means every single time you place a bid, you pay about $0.65. This is in contrast to eBay where bidding is free. Every time you hit the bid button, you are down $0.65. 
  • Timer isn't fixed at penny auctions like BidRivals. What this means is that in traditional auctions like eBay, there is a fixed time when the auction ends. This is not changed during the course of the auction no matter what. However, in penny auctions, each time a bid is placed, the timer is incremented to 10-20 seconds. Thus there is no way of knowing when an auction ends. The auction could show 1 second left now, but it can go on for a day! This is because if people keep placing bids, the timer keeps on increasing. 
  • A placed bid is money lost, forever. Once you place a bid, you can never get back the money for it. However, if you are bidding on a Buy Now auction, then you can use the money spent towards the bids for purchasing the product at its full retail price. 
  • The main cost to the consumer is not from the final retail but from the bids placed in the process. In fact, BidRivals could as well give away all items for free to the winner! This is because the source of revenue for penny auctions is not from the final selling price of the product, which is 90-95% discounted anyway but from all the hundreds or thousands of bids placed in the process. 
So now I hope you know and understand the penny auction model better.

BidRivals Tips and Tricks - 2:Always look for the Buy Now option
BidRivals now has a great Buy Now option. Using this, you can greatly reduce the risk of bidding on BidRivals. Without this option, potentially you can use thousands of dollars on items without ever winning them! What this option does is that it takes the money spent towards all the bids placed on the auction and uses it towards buying the item at full retail.

For example, if there is a computer selling on BidRivals for $800. Suppose that you spent 1000 bids on this auction but still didn't win it. Now you have spent $0.65/bid X 1000 bids = $650 towards the bidding process. Now you can put in an additional $800-$650 = $150 towards the computer and buy it at full retail. Thus after this auction is over and you have lost, you just pay BidRivals an additional $150 and get the computer.

Now you know why bidding on auctions without the Buy Now option is so risky - in the above example, you have lost $650 and have absolutely nothing to show for it!

BidRivals Tips and Tricks - 3: Always Look for BidRivals Coupon Codes
BidRivals gives out many coupon codes to promote its site and provide an incentive to users to buy bids. There are many different offers that you can find on BidRivals, right from free bids on registering to a certain percentage off bids. I would say never buy a bid pack without using a coupon code.

To find BidRivals coupon code, you should check this blog. I keep all the latest information and updates on BidRivals coupon codes and you are sure to find something that is very useful to you. If you really search this blog, you will find a ton of ways to get free BidRivals bids that will really help you in the bidding process.

BidRivals Tips and Tricks - 4: Never Bid Without a Goal and Target
Penny auctions have been compared to gambling many times. Though I don't share this view, there sure are similarities. If you don't know when and where to stop at penny auctions, you stand to lose a lot of money. In this aspect, it is definitely like gambling. The last thing you want is to end up hundreds of dollars in the red without winning enough. Therefore, I would strongly suggest that you limit the amount of money that you spend on an auction. It is easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment but it will never help. In addition, follow the tip above: Always bid on Buy Now auctions so you can at least get something back for your money if you lose auctions after spending a ton of money.

BidRivals Tips and Tricks - 5: Know when to Bid 
It is very important that you know the best time to bid on BidRivals. Timing is very important in penny auctions. You should bid at those times when there are a good number of auctions but not too many bidders. If there are too many people online, then the auctions become very competitive.

I hope you liked these BidRivals tips. If you think I missed something out, don't forget to point it out to me and I'll add it to the list!

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