Friday, February 18, 2011

BidRivals Strategy-3: Using BidAgent

This BidRivals strategy deals with using BidAgent. I'll discuss how to win against BidAgent in another post. You can also read my previous two BidRivals strategies to improve your winning chances.

BidAgent is the automatic bidding tool that is used by BidRivals. Its use is straightforward: you enter the number of bids that you want placed and the maximum limit up to which you would want to go. The BidAgent will ensure that there are no gaps i.e. you will never lose the auction if you are within this limit and don't run out of bids.

BidAgent is one of the most powerful BidRivals strategy that you can use. On the surface, it seems like a waste of bids because the bidding is random in the last few seconds: you might think that it violates my BidRivals strategy: Wait till the End. That is true in a way, but BidAgent removes the human element from bidding.

So why is this important? BidAgent works as a set-and-forget system. You need no interference and you can bid on multiple items simultaneously.

BidAgent is important because:

  • BidAgent removes the human element from the bidding process.
  • Simple set and forget system.
  • Historic data: Go to the auctions that are finished and you will find that most auctions are won by BidAgent, a majority in fact.
  • No fatigue: If you are bidding for big ticket items like iPads the auctions can go on for a very long time, in many cases for over 24 hours. It would be impossible to keep bidding manually on these auctions forever. Humans have limits!
  • Intimidating: Few people bidding singly win auctions at BidRivals because there are no limits to BidAgent. This is unlike at other penny auctions where the number of bids automatically placed is capped. Therefore BidAgent is obviously intimidating as your opponent has no clue how long it is set to go for.
So owing to these factors, the BidAgent can be a powerful tool to use as BidRivals strategy. Good luck using it!

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